Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

How do I access the EAP?

  • Using the EAP is easy. You can contact the EAP provider by calling: 1.800.570.9315.
  • Guidance Consultants are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to arrange an appointment with a qualified counselor in your area.
  • You can also go online to check out resources at www.guidanceresources.com. Choose “register”, and under “Organization Web ID” enter: trusteap71.


EAP ORIENTATION FOR EMPLOYEES (Video) September 12, 2023


I prefer online resources. Does the EAP offer any online assistance?

(Search GuidanceNow in your app store available 24 hours / 7 days)

Yes. The Guidance Resources website is full of information to assist you with issues that matter to you. You can find the following resources (and more!) online:

  • Elder care
  • Autism
  • Legal resources and documents
  • Short topical online polls and past poll results
  • Consumer & leisure–going green, pets, home & auto, event planning, etc.
  • Relationships–family, special needs & gifted children, parenting, marriage, etc.
  • Work & education–college, managerial assistance, career & personal development, etc.
  • Informational video & audio clips
  • Self-assessment quizzes
  • Healthy habits, including health & stress reduction tips

Check out these great online resources at www.guidanceresources.com. Choose “register”, and under “Organization Web ID” enter: trusteap71.

Who can use the EAP?

The EAP is available to AWC covered employees and immediate family (including your dependent children), and anyone living in your household. The EAP is a good resource for supervisors, particularly when dealing with difficult or emotional employee situations. Supervisors are encouraged to refer employees to the EAP services when work performance may be affected by personal problems.

Questions about the EAP?  Please contact HR at hr@mercerisland.gov.

The City's EAP provider:
ComPsych - The GuidanceResources Company
1.800.570.9315 | guidanceresources.com

The City's EAP plan sponsor:
Association of Washington Cities Employee Benefit Trust
1076 Franklin Street SE, Olympia, WA 98501
awctrust.org | 1.800.562.8981